The History of Landguard Fort – Our Next Event

On Wednesday 22nd May, at 7.30 in the LW Parish Room, David Wood will tell us of the history of Landguard Fort in Felixstowe, and a fascinating story it will be.

First built nearly 400 years ago, the fort guards the Orwell navigable channel – because Harwich Harbour was the best haven for large ships between the Thames and the Humber. It was the site of the last opposed seaborne invasion of England, by the Dutch in 1667, who were repulsed by the Royal Marines in their first land battle.

The current fort was built in the 18th century and modified in the 19th century, with substantial additional 19th and 20th century outside batteries. It was manned through both World Wars and played an important anti-aircraft role during the Second World War. In 1951 two of the old gun casemates were converted into a ‘Cold War’ control room, before it was disarmed and closed in 1956.

Having visited the fort, I can highly recommend it, and this talk should really whet the appetite of those who have yet to visit.

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