Archive for the Research Category

Between Heaven and Earth – A Talk by Jenny Antill

Posted in LWHS, Presentations, Research with tags , , , , , , , on February 12, 2018 by sheppardandy

Our next event is on Wednesday 14th February, at 7.30 p.m. in the Parish Room, where Jenny Antill will present “Between Heaven & Earth, reflections on the Russian Soul over 1000 years of history”.

Together we will survey the art and history of the Russian Church, from its foundation in the 10th Century, discover the importance of the icon and the impact of C19th Slavic Revival on art / architecture, as well as the influence of religious images & ideas on soviet authorities in the 20th Century.

We know its Valentines day, but what better place to  spend an hour in the company of a loved one, jointly discovering the soul of this most baffling nation of myriad peoples.

Jenny is a brilliant speaker who has a First Class Degree in Russian Studies from the School of Eastern European and Slavonic Studies, UCL.  She has travelled widely in Russia and has given talks on Russian cultural topics at many venues, including Pushkin House, The Cambridge Russian Society, Essex University, Gainsborough’s House and last but not least Little Waldingfield.

Her knowledge of Russia, its langauage, history and culture is unsurpassed, so come along to be amazed and entertained, and to learn much about this most mysterious of countries. As Churchill once said, “Russia is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma”.

I really couldn’t put it better myself, and look forward to welcoming you on Wednesday.


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